The Bible View #653

In This Issue:
Knowing God's Will
Which Direction?
Psalms 37:3-7
Jump, or Just Thinking about It?
Two Eternal Destinations

Volume: 653    April 22, 2018

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Knowing God's Will

Bill Brinkworth

Gideon had a problem in his land that had to be dealt with. His country was overrun with Midianites, Amalekites, and the “children of the east”. He was willing to battle the enemies that had taken from his land and his people, but he wanted to know for sure that God was leading him to do so.

Desiring to make a decision based on God’s will and way about the matter was a wise goal. Gideon knew a move without God’s help would not have His blessing and surely would lead to defeat or trouble.

Godly people of all ages have also sought God’s will and way in many of the decisions they have had to make. Man constantly makes the wrong choices and certainly pays for it. God is perfect; anything He is directing will be successful.

How can a person know if they are doing what God wants them to do or not? Is it possible to have his direction? Gideon was like many of us. He wanted a clear sign from God. After Gideon got the sign, he would know God was directing him, and he would lead an army against the enemies if it were what God wanted him to do. Gideon asked God to do something supernatural that would prove it was He answering his prayer.

The Israelite leader put out a fleece of wool on the ground, and asked for a sign. If God wanted him to lead the battle, Gideon asked that God make the fleece wet from the dew and the ground dry. The next morning an unnatural thing had occurred. The fleece was soaked, but the nearby ground was dry. Still doubting that it may have just been a coincidence, as can happen when people request “signs” from God, Gideon requested more proof. He asked God once more to prove His intervention by doing the impossible. This time he requested that the fleece be dry and the ground wet. The next morning the miracle had been performed. He knew God’s direction, and he did successfully battle the enemy.

“Well, Gideon sought proof of direction; may I also?” many ask. I have asked similar proofs in my past and have gotten direction by His answer. God does hear the prayers and requests of His own. However, that was when I was a younger Christian. I soon learned that we are to live by faith, and not sight. Proof by sight does not necessarily make one a stronger or a more trusting Christian. Gideon did ask twice, because the first sign was not enough. God desires us to trust Him unconditionally without doubt or lack of trust. Trusting Him to supply without proof is the faith He desires. Also, when Gideon was seeking God’s will, he did not have the entire written Word of God as we do today to guide him.
“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” John 15:16

Sometimes God will honor our request for a miracle to discern His leadership. Much of the time, when He knows our faith should be more mature and trusting, He expects us to discern His will other ways. Some of the biblical principles of knowing God’s direction include:


God does not desire to play guessing games with those that desire to follow His leading. He will make it clear in His timing. Will you let God say “no” to your request if He so desires, and will you obey His direction if He shows you? If so, God will lead you in a plain path if you ask and wait for His clear leadership.

“There is but one question, and that is ‘What is the will of God?’  That settles all other questions.” — William E. Gladstone


Which Direction?
Author Unknown

An event occurred many years ago in a Cambridge, Mass. courtroom that illustrates what goes on in many of our spiritual lives. A dog was claimed by two persons: a man and a woman.  To determine ownership, the judge placed the man on one side of the room and the woman on the other side, while the dog was let loose between them.  The man called, “Teddy!  Teddy!”, while the woman called, “Prince!  Prince!”  The dog turned at once to the man and leaped upon him with every sign of affection, rendering the judge’s decision very easy.

God is calling you.  Satan also may be calling you.  To whom do you run to with eagerness and entire devotion?  Whose really are you? 

“To live for self or live for God is the choice we all make.”


Psalms 37:3-7
Harry Todd

Trust in the Lord
Is the only thing to do
To enjoy your salvation
And bring peace to you.

Delight thyself in the Lord,
Read His word and pray,
Claim His precious promises
And rejoice in Him each day.

Commit thy way unto the Lord.
Let Him live His life through you,
Do all for the glory of God
In everything you do.

Trusting and delighting gives joy
As you walk this pilgrim way
And committing to the Lord
Gives rest in the Lord each day.


Jump, or Just Thinking about It?
Author Unknown

A teacher once gave this problem to a class.  “Three frogs sat together on a log, and one decided to jump off.  How many were left?”

“Two,” promptly replied one of the pupils.

“Wrong,” corrected the teacher.  “The third frog only decided to jump off.  He didn’t jump.”

Many folks are like that frog.  They decide to “jump” for the Lord; to do something for Him, but never really do. Their action never gets further than their thought process.  Do not just think about doing God’s will; do it!

“When your will is God's will, you will have your will.” — Spurgeon


Two Eternal Destinations
C. H. Spurgeon

The Czar had died suddenly, and in the dead of night one of the counselors of the empire came to Princess Elizabeth and said to her, “You must come at once and take possession of the crown.” She hesitated, for there were difficulties in the way, and she did not desire the position.

He then said, “Now, sit down, Princess.” Then he drew her two pictures. One was the picture of herself and the Count thrown into prison, racked with tortures, and presently both brought out to die beneath the axe. “That,” he said, “you can have, if you like.” The other picture was of herself with the imperial crown of all the Russias on her brow, and all the princes bowing before her, and all the nations doing her homage. “That,” he said, “is the other side of the decision. To-night, your Majesty must choose which it shall be.” With the two decisions vividly depicted before her mind’s eye, she did not hesitate long, but cast in her choice for the crown.

I lack the skill to draw such a picture of the decision you must make. You will either sink forever down in deeper and yet deeper woe, filled with remorse because you brought it all upon yourself; or else, if you decide for Christ, and trust in him, you shall enter into the bliss of those who forever and forever, without grief, enjoy felicity before the throne of God. To my mind, there ought to be no halting as to the choice. Make the right decision! I pray God’s Holy Spirit will help you to make it today.  The choice of Heaven or Hell is yours alone; torment or bliss.  What is your decision?

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