Your Words

Bill Brinkworth

God’s words, as preserved in the Bible, are always honest and can be trusted (Prov. 30:15). Our words, however, are not always truthful and cannot always be trusted.  All sin with their mouth.

“Word” is used at least 704 times in the King James Bible. Although most of those times it is referring to God’s Word, we can see by the many references that words are important to God. Some of those verses show us what God thinks about what comes out of our mouth.

In Romans 1, where at least 30 sins are mentioned, at least fifteen of those sins involve what was said. Some of the iniquities mentioned are those of: unthankfulness, debating, deceitfulness, gossiping, backbiting, pride, boasting, disobedience to parents, and covenant-breaking.  Although there are over 100 commandments in the Old Testament, the popularly known “Ten” include at least three commandments that can involve our tongue. It should be evident to all that our tongue can be used for good, or it can be used to sin.

Here is some of what the Bible says about the words that can come out of our mouth:

Like the rest of our body, our tongue was part of God’s creation. Its creation was not intended for us to use it to sin against our Creator. A saved person should strive to control what is uttered by his tongue. Some of the best advice for those desiring to please God and wanting to control their tongue comes from the old adage, “If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything”.


“The tongue is more to be feared than the sword. ” — Japanese Proverb


This lesson was featured in The Bible View #227.

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