Lies People Tell Themselves

Bill Brinkworth

In I John 1 and 2, John the Apostle covers areas that many are not completely honest with themselves about. These areas include:

Many times folks fool even themselves into believing that they can talk to God, He is listening to them, answering them, and they are in full fellowship even when they are involved in sin. They are lying to themselves.

It is impossible for a believer to have close fellowship with God, when there is sin in his life! God hates sins, and although people do not lose their salvation when they fall for sin’s enticement after they are saved, they certainly grieve Him (Ephesians 4:30). That grieving will keep the sinner from having a close relationship with God. The only remedy for that broken relationship is to turn from sin (Acts 8:22), and again “… walk in the light …” (I John 7). One should then live in the manner God requires.

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” I John 1:8

There are those that consider themselves sin-free.  Christians are saved from sin, but not sinless.  They often choose to sin. 


There is much deception in this world.  Sometimes people even deceive themselves.  However, adhering to what God says in His Word and using it as a guideline make it possible to see what is of God, and what is not.  If actions and words line up with the Word of God, then it is of God.  Anything opposing it is not of Him.  God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33).

“As truth stretches, trust breaks!”

This lesson was featured in the The Bible View #330.

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