Sins of Romans 1:28-31
In describing to someone what sin actually is, many are often directed to the end of Romans 1. It is there that some of the sins of an unrighteous person are listed. Many more are found throughout the Bible, but here are some iniquities and what they entail:
- Reprobate mind — a mind that is given over to committing wickedness.
- Being filled with all unrighteousness — not conformed to obeying divine laws
- Fornication — sexual sin as a married or unmarried person
- Wickedness — departure from God’s laws
- Covetousness — a strong desire for obtaining and possessing goods
- Maliciousness — a determination to injure
- Envy — uneasiness or discontent at another’s success
- Murder — killing a person with premediated malice
- Debate — to argue a case to stir up strife and contention
- Deceit — leading a person to false conclusions
- Malignity — extreme hatred towards another
- Whisperers — to plot secretly; to devise mischief
- Backbiter — one who slanders or speaks ill of those that are absent
- Haters of God — a great disdain for God
- Despiteful — extreme malice; violent hatred
- Proud — possessing a high or unreasonable conceit of one’s own excellence
- Boasters — to brag; to vaunt one’s self
- Inventors of evil things — Concocting other ways to sin
- Disobedient to parents — neglecting or refusing to obey parents
- Without understanding — stubborn, close-mindedness to even attempting to understand another
- Covenantbreakers — breaking an agreement or commitment with another
- Without natural affection — unwilling or unable to love
- Implacable — not able to be made happy or content
- Unmerciful — cruel; not disposed to spare or forgive.
Most of the preceding definitions were found in the Amercian Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster, 1828.
This article was featured in The Bible View #602.
The lesson goes well with the lesson Sin's Slippery Slope of Ruin.