"Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law." Psalms 119:18 (KJV)
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Prov. 22:6
The Bible clearly gives the responsibility of rearing children to the child’s parents. If the parents are Christians then their duty also includes raising their offspring to love, honor, and obey the Lord. Proverbs 22:6 says that if the child is reared to obey the Lord he will not depart from what he has learned.
“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture[help grow, training, disciplinary correction] and admonition[cautionary advice about something imminent] of the Lord.” Eph. 6:4
Through the years I have seen many parents raise their children as scripturally as is possible. They have had daily devotions with them. They prayed with the children, got them to a good Bible believing church every time the doors were open, enrolled them in a Christian school, participated in the child’s sports and activities, maybe even led them to the Lord, and most importantly, the parents had good, consistent testimonies. Yet many of these children went wrong. The children left all they had been taught and engulfed themselves in the ways of the world. Many years later they are still living in sin and far away from God’s plan for them and how they were trained.
The parents trained their children “in the way he should go” (Prov. 22:6), but when the child was on his own he went far away from God. So many are trusting in Prov. 22:6 in raising their child. Can it possibly be wrong?
After seeing some children of godly parents ruin their lives, I have given some study to this question. The Bible is NEVER wrong, so there must be something that is being missed. Here are some of what needs to be considered, when a “raised right” child goes in the opposite way God desires of him, and how he was reared:
Rearing a child has always been very difficult. There is no instruction book teaching a parent exactly what to do in every decision he faces. The parent who knows most about the child, his temperament and past experiences may choose to deal with the child in a certain way. He may be right. He may be wrong. However, a godly parent is usually doing what he feels is best.
Unfortunately, it may not always be the parent’s fault when the child strays. We all have a free will to obey or disobey the Lord. That mindset cannot usually be changed by discipline. It always has everything to do with the young person’s heart. Because it is usually the child’s choice to go the way he chooses to go, it is not beneficial for the parent to blame himself for what the child has chosen to do. All a parent can do is show the right way. It is the child’s choice to walk it or not.
Just because some children drift away from serving God is no reason for the parent or other parents not to do their best to raise their children biblically correct. Do not compromise and back off in raising your children the way that is wise and biblical. Living for the Lord and being obedient is the best way for any to follow. They most likely will not know it if they are not shown it at a young age. Billions of young people have walked the righteous way, because of how they were trained. Train your child in the way they should go!