How to Study the Bible

Part I

God’s Word, the Bible, is a life-changing and life-guiding book that all Study  your Bibleshould read.  For the Christian, its advice, history, prophecies, commandments, and examples are the only source that contains  God’s encouragement and guidance for them.  It should not only be read by every Christian, but it should also be studied.  “Studying” is an in-depth reading that has the reader diligently fixing his mind on God’s Word looking for help that a quick read will not reveal.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  II Timothy 2:15
God commands the believer to diligently and carefully study His Word.  Many readers of the Word of God have encountered Timothy’s admonition on studying the Bible. Some faithfully read the Word of God every day.  Many do not, but even fewer study the truths God has preserved within the pages of His Word.  If you want some “meat” from the Word of God, you have to pick up the knife and fork for yourself, and not be spoon fed by someone else! You need to study His Word.

Not only, does it take extra time to study the Bible, but many do not know how to start.  I learned a long time ago that a short reading of just a few verses each day may have more impact on one’s life than a Scriptural diet of several chapters.  Actually taking the time to delve into and study the Word of God will be a far more life-directing, life-changing, God-leading influence than even reading several pages.

The question then arises, how do you study the Bible?  How does one set their mind or thoughts upon a Bible subject or book and get the most out of it?  The answer varies from one person to another, since each of our brains and learning methods are different.  Here are a few study methods that may help you get more out of the Word of God; so that you will learn more, that its content will help you with your life’s decisions, and that you will have a better relationship with the Lord:


Part II


I have found that a reprint of Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary helps me understand the meanings of words in a biblical context much better. One of Webster’s reasons for writing his dictionary was for the reader to better understand the Bible.  Many of his definitions use biblical verses to understand word usages.


Part III

A concordance will list the Hebrew (sometimes Chaldean) meaning of Old Testament words, and the Greek meaning of New Testament words.  The most popular concordance is Strong’s Concordance of the Bible.   Be cautioned, however, that many of the definitions are not from the Hebrew and Greek of the King James Bible, and therefore are not completely trustworthy.  A glimpse at the “Directions and Explanations” page will alert one that the text quoted is changed for some other version, such as the Revised Version, English Revised Version, or even the American Standard Version of 1891.  So many quote the Hebrew or Greek from their concordance and have no idea that it is from another non-King  James bible.


These are just a few of the many ways to study God’s Word. No matter what technique is used, the main goal is to get as much as possible out of every precious word God has kept for us to glean.  Are you diligently reading and studying God’s Word?

“With God’s help, we can get out of the Bible what we invest in it.”

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