The Rich Ruler’s Question

 Bill Brinkworth

A rich man came to Jesus unintentionally admitting that he had committed the same mistake that most of the religious and unreligious would not dare confess. It is the same philosophy that is responsible for sending most lost people to Hell. This terrible iniquity is where over 90% of churches and religions in the world are wrong. His confession was, “… what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life” (Mat. 19:16).

This ruler (Luke 18:18) was trying to work his way to Heaven by doing all he could to earn himself a place in Heaven. Certainly, he and most religions think it natural that if you do enough good things, that the good will outweigh the bad, and God will let you into Heaven. Wrong! Unbiblical. That is what distinguishes all man-made religions from real Christianity! Other religions teach that doing something; traditions, rules, catechisms, rites, sacraments, pillars of the faith, or their religion’s teachings will get them to Heaven.

Real Christianity is the only “religion” that teaches one does not have to do anything to get to Heaven, except ask for salvation from Hell. One does not have to do anything for it, because it has already been done for them by Jesus Christ.

All have sinned. All do not only commit sin, but they were born sinners. Because of sin, no one can get higher than the coffin lid. That is the bad news.

However, there is good news. There is a Person that never sinned. His undeserved death on the cross is the only payment God will accept to cover anyone’s sin. It is Jesus alone, God’s only son, that is worthy enough to pay for our sins. Trying to do a good “work” to earn Heaven is rejecting Christ’s finished work on the cross. This rejection says that Christ’s payment was not enough.

Like the rich ruler, doing good things and living the way he thinks was not enough. This man had done “right” his whole life, yet he was looking for one more thing to do to guarantee eternal life. Works never satisfy, because they are not enough. Trusting that Jesus loves us so much that He gave his life so that we can live eternally is the only way God will accept.

Are you 100% sure that if you were to die today, tomorrow, or a hundred years from now that you would go to Heaven? You can be sure because the “ticket” has been paid, all you have to do is accept it!


“If you think your good works and deeds will get you to Heaven, how many do you have to do to earn eternity with Jesus?  Is it ten, a thousand, or a million good works that will get you there?  Have you done enough? 

One will never find the amount of good works to be done in the Bible because no one cannot earn salvation.  It is a free gift!”

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Romans 6:23

This article was featured in the Bible View 6 70.

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