Your Other Office

A Virtual Office Service

Need office work done for your church or small bussiness? Many projects can be completed within 36 hours!

Document design. Weekly church bulletins, flyers, brochures, tracts, cards, forms, booklets, books, manuals, charts, resumes, term-papers, typing ....

Typing and data input. Need a document typed, or data entered? Let us get started.

Web and Blog designing. Professionally designed webs for churches and small businesses. Maintenance and updating of sites are promptly performed.

Database design. Professionally designed, user-friendly, self-explaining Access programs. Computerize office functions, ministry functions, sales, industry needs, local government programs ...

Computer Consulting. Computerize offices, train personnel in many programs, troubleshoot computer problems ...

30+ years computing experience!

Very user-friendly!


Call: (828) 837-2703

The Baptist Top 1000   The Fundamental Top 500

Need a web-site for your business or ministry?


Is your church so small, that there is no one to do the church bulletin?
Submit what you want on the inside, and it usually can be sent to your computer within 36 hours. Print it from your printer or copy machine. With adequate time, it also can be shipped to you.

Sample of a church bulletin

Inside bulletin: $15 first time, $10 thereafter. ($5 more if information is collected by phone conversation, as opposed to receiving it via e-mail)

Other typesetting and designing needs at only $20 per hour! Typing rates start at $15 per hour.