A Spoonful of Revelation

By Bill Brinkworth

For $9.95 you can immediately download this 80-page daily devotional on "The Revelation". It will help you obtain a general understanding of what the Bible teaches from a pre-millenial and pre-tribulation rapture view! It can also be used as a handout for any class that is studying "The Revelation".

A devotion of The Revelation

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Times spoken of in the Bible's book of "The Revelation" are getting closer each day. Some of the events spoken of in "The Revelation" are just around the corner; yet so few understand what the book teaches.


"I want to know what will happen in the last days, but I don't want to spend a lot of time reading and studying Revelation".

"Then Spoonful of Revelation is your answer. By reading this book less than ten minutes a day for at least 22 days you will understand:

* How God revealed ahead of time the spiritual conditions of church-ages, and what they were and are genrally like.
* Who will go through the terrible prophesied tribulations?
* What will the two witnesses do during the tribulation, and what will happen to them?
* What will the anti-Christ do?
* Who are the 144,000 that will go about the earth, and what will happen to them?
* How will the mark of 666 be used in those days? What will happen to those that receive it?
* What will be the judgments that God will direct to those on the earth in those days?
* Who will the great spiritual deceiver be in those days?
* What will happen at the Battle of Armageddon?
* Who will go to the Lake of Fire?
* What will happen to Satan? to the earth?
* What will the New Jerusalem look like?
* ... and much more. That's not too much time to know the future of the world, according to God's own Words, is it?"


This daily devotional is different than most other devotionals.  Instead of reading a random verse and short illustration about a principle taught in the verse, this devotional is designed to get the reader to read at least one chapter a day from "The Revelation" and to teach him at least one important lesson from the day’s reading. More need to know what this book of the Bible teaches, and that will only happen by reading it!

It is not the intention of this devotional to teach all each chapter holds. This short, 350-700 word commentary teaches only one of the principles taught in the chapter. The discussion is not a long-winded, exhaustive study of the entire chapter; just what you need for daily devotions!

Following the commentary is a short quote reinforcing the principle taught in the commentary, several definitions of difficult or unusal words found in the reading, a King James Bible chapter of the day's reading from "The Revelation" (so you do not have go to the next room and get your Bible), and several short exercises requiring the reader to reflect on what they have read in the day's reading. When this devotional is completed the reader will have a general understanding of what is taught in "The Revelation". It contains the daily devotions as taught at www.OpenThouMineEyes.com, plus much more!

This study can also be used by a Sunday school teacher, pastor or anyone teaching "The Revelation".  This Adobe PDF file (read with a PDF file viewer such as the free Adobe Reader) is 8.5 x 11" when printed and will produce a handout that will help an individual, class, or congregation learn principles taught in the book of "The Revelation". As many pages as required can be printed or copied, and given out to a class that is studying "The Revelation" for no additional cost. No longer does the teacher have to purchase one book per student.

Have you always wanted to read "The Revelation"? Using A Spoonful of Revelation you can read it now and get a basic understanding of what it teaches. Order the download today, so you can start reading and learning now!

Download your devotional today for $9.95!

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