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Is there a need for this material?
What are the products?
How Much Can I Earn?
About the Author?The Basics Bible Lessons

There is a huge need for good Sunday school material! Most churches have at least four Sunday school classes; many have more than 12. Each of the teachers of those classes usually purchases prepared Sunday school lesson materials. Also, most Christian schools, Christian homeschools, and Christians searching for resources for their own personal usage are always looking for doctrinely sound, biblical resources.

Most of biblical teaching resources are now using the modern Bible translations which change the wordings and meanings of God's Word. There is a growing number of Bible teachers that are struggling to find material that uses the pure, reliable King James Bible, rather than the corrupt modern versions. This is why there is such a need for teaching resources offered by this site!


What makes Sunday school material unique and sought after is that it:


The Products

At this time, there are five Bible study resources on this site that many teachers would be willing to use if they knew they were available.

The Basics Sunday School Lesson The Revelation Bible study Hebrews Bible Study Color A Bible Verse Booklet Old Testament Puzzles & Activities

"The Basics" — Bible lessons every student should know!

"A Spoonful of Hebrews" — Read a chapter of Hebrews each day, and learn something from each chapter. Also for classroom usage.

"A Spoonful of The Revelation" — Find out what the Bible says will happen in the "last days". Read a chapter of Hebrews each day, and learn something from each chapter. Also for classroom usage.

"Color A Verse" — A personal or classroom activity of coloring KJV Bible verses.

"Old Testament Puzzles and Activities" — Complete puzzles and questions to help learn what is taught in the Old Testament.

** Clicking on the above hyperlinks will reveal more details on the product at the pitch page!

Customers can currently save money by buying both:
"A Spoonful of Hebrews" + "A Spoonful of The Revelation",
"Color A Verse" + "Old Testament Puzzles and Activities".


How Much Can I Earn?

All products have a 60% commission, minus charges. The products range from $8.95 - 16.95. At this time only one product, except for the two specials, is sold at each sale.

At this time, the average sales price appears low according to calculations in My Spotlight, because most of the sales have been from, and not by affiliates.

There are rarely any refunds. The only ones so far have only been because the customer purchased more than one booklet by accident.



Bible study resources
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Sunday school material
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Sunday School Material468 x 60 pixels
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Basic Bible lessons
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Basic Bible Lessons
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Basic Bible study768 x 90 pixels
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Color KJV Bible Verses
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Devotional of Hebrews
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Sunday school, curriculum, material, adults, teens, children, kids, homeschool, Christian school, devotions, devotionals, KJV, Bible, Bible study, puzzles, classroom activities, self studies

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About the Author:

Bill Brinkworth, BS. and MS. in Christian Education, is the author of all the material on this site. He has been teaching children, teens, deaf, adults, and senior citizens for 36+ years. Thousands have heard him teach and read his writings, especially the "Bible View" weekly newsletter, which has been used in churches for 25+ years. His 500+ lessons and daily devotions are viewed by thousands each day in over 155+ countries.